pov: indie: Project 3

pov: indie: Project 3

For the third "entirely stolen" project, I thought it would be fun to create a series of collages around the genre "pov: indie," which to my knowledge was coined by Spotify during the 2023 Spotify Wrapped (as seen in my own Wrapped, it was apparently my most listened to genre). This zine is part satirical handbook and part love letter because I do really love the music usually labeled by pov: indie. The title page borrows questions from frustrated online forums asking what the hell is pov: indie as a genre? We may never know. The second page is a fashion lookbook of sorts!

Page 1 and 2

The third page is a look into what someone who listens to pov: indie would probably have in their bag. Yes, they would find a way to find an entire vinyl player in there. The fourth page takes lines from a satirical article from Columbia.

Page 3 and 4

The fifth and sith pages begin introducing the stars of pov: indie. I would list them but a true pov: indie fan would recognize any of these at a glance!

Page 5 and 6

The seventh page continues showcasing some beloved stars of the genre. The last page exposes my own Wrapped.

Page 7 and 8

I printed out the zine at the Multimedia Lab using the glossy paper. Some of the pages are below!

Printed zine